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Q: How many children did gearge washton Have?
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What has the author Rose-Carol Washton Long written?

Rose-Carol Washton Long has written: 'Vasily Kandinsky, 1909-1913 : painting and theory'

Who was Gearge Washington?

First president of the usa

Who named mount saint helens?

Gearge Vancouver.

Who made the Corinthian style column?

gearge heffllyyy

If George Washington was president today what would he do?

george washton loved shaked it up Chicago

Who presided over the convention which wrote and approved the Constitution?

gearge Washington

What day was gearge Washington elicted president?

April 30, 1789

What caused the battle of monmouth?

General Gearge Washington, later president claimed the French lands. Lee, another former agent dissaproved and went against Gearge. That's how the battle of monmouth happened.

Is Beyonce coming to south Africa for her world tour?

She won't come becouse she will be in london,washton,uk

Who helped found new jersey?

lord berkley and sir gearge carteret

Who invented dry rolled film and hand held cameras?

gearge eastman

Is goege washton still alive?

ya hes in your back yard bro did u know hes a stoker