11 players on a soccer team not including coalie.
There can as many players as the team wants but the coach can only select 16 players for a match, 11 on field and 5 on the bench.
There are thousands of high school soccer players in the United States of America. There are many more joining soccer every day.
soccer players have to stay 2 years in high schoo
YES there are soccer in high school every high school have a soccer cond.
steve nash and rajon rondo
Personal opinion really. High profile players these days chose their own number, and carry it from club to club.
Club. Depends which club, some are better, more competitive with better training. Club is better than ayso.
No it is not likely as a boy he was a shoe shine boy at the club of Santos.
Because middle school games mean absolutly nothing to them. Once your in highschool they may come to look at you but really all the scouts flock to the club soccer tournaments that contain high profile players. They want the best and fully developed player not a still growing and learning player. Because that would be a complete waste of time 99.99% of the time
I don't know the answer but I want people to know me and my name is Zachary.
Soccer players chances of getting injured are very high
every sport training in high school has safety rules yes the have about 7 rules although i can't remember what they are they are very stupid rules though
usually the cut-off is 18 dressed players but as many as 23-25 can be signed but not all dressed in some high school leagues.