You don't particularly have to be "athletic", that depends on how keen you are in sports. Make sure that, at your age, you are fit and healthy and of normal weight. Get your 60 minutes of exercise a day - or more! And eat well. That's good too.
about 5'4 if you are athletic
Some do and so don't.
between 96 and 110 lbs.
Girls that are 13 years old like guys who are athletic, book smart, and nice. The guy must be polite and compliment the girl often.
Probably around from 135 pounds to 145 pounds, I'm fit and i weigh 135 pounds
Brady is a tall 13 year - old boy with curly, brown hair, tanned skin, brown eyes, and a muscular, fit, and athletic looking body.
not a 13 year old girl and my boyfriend plays sports and hes good but hes not the mose athletic and if they really like u they will like u for who u are
Yes and no. It depends o the girls body type, and how athletic she is.
Yes, that's normal I'm 5' 6'' and 13 almost 14 and I'm 140 lbs
Yes a 13 year old can have face book it's 13 and up