Sundar Pichai has 2 children
Yes, Sundar Pichai has 2 kids.
No, Sundar Pichai is not single.
Sundar Pichai was born on June 10, 1972
Yes, Sundar Pichai has 2 kids.
Sundar Pichai was born on June 10, 1972
Sundar PichaiPichai was selected to become the next CEO of Google on August 10, 2015.
Sundar Pichai went to IIT Kharagpur (BTech)Stanford University (MS)University of Pennsylvania (MBA)
Sundar Pichai oversees Android (and Chrome OS). Andy Rubin was the previous head of Android.
The parent company of is Alphabet Inc. The CEO of Alphabet Inc. is Sundar Pichai, who oversees the operations of Google as well.
Sundar Nagar's population is 23,986.
Egil Sundar was born in 1932.