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Q: Do they drug test for sports physicals for little kids?
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Related questions

Why do kids get physicals?

To make sure the kids are okay and healthy.

Which designers make sports jerseys for kids?

Sports Jerseys for kids can be used for their own little sports teams or just for fashion to support their favorite teams. Designers that make sport jerseys for kids are Nike and Reebok.

Are kids growing up too fast?

Kids grow physicals the same as they did hundreds of years ago but mentaly kids are growing up a lot faster.

Why little kids should play sports?

Because if you get them started early on they will succeed.

Is it dangerous to have Sports Day?

If it was dangerous then why are schools letting little kids particpate in it.?! and having sports day is a lot of fun!

Why is extreme sports bad for little kids?

concusions..... can cause permanant brain damage

What kind of kids sports would you recommend for a toddler?

There are tons of sports available to the toddler age group now. Common in the spring time is "T-Ball" which is essentially the little kids version of baseball. Gymnastics and dance are also great sports for the little ones. Your local YMCA likely has a list of available programs for his or her age group.

Why is it when you do sports at school kids start calling you scrawny and paper thin its confusing?

because your a scrawny little rat.

What adult sports magazine publishes an edition for kids?

Sports Illustrated for Kids, a magazine that covers sports news and features for a younger audience.

Breakdown of sports played by kids?

most sports are played by kids !! :P :)

When was Sports Illustrated Kids created?

Sports Illustrated Kids was created in 1989.

How many kids get injued in sports without a sports trainer?

A lot of kids but mostly the kids that play the sport wrong.