LL rule 1.11(k) Casts may not be worn during the game by players and umpires. NOTE: Persons wearing casts, including managers and coaches, must remain in the dugout during the game.
Definitely not. My friend got kicked out of a little league game when he was 11 for playing 3rd base with a 1st baseman's glove
No, when i was playing little league nobody was able to were any of that, i cant tell you why
yes there is no rule on that.
League Collegiate Wear was created in 1990.
NFL players usually wear a hard cast, if they are able to play with a broken bone. The hardness of the cast protects them from further injury.
Ladamian Tomlinson was the first player to wear the eyeglass shield.
The same way anyone else wears cups. Just stick it in your sliding shorts
The Eye black on the Texas little league differs in design even after instillation of the sun shield. Fans have been noted to wear sunglasses of many designs, eye black.
White. They say it may distract the hitter because the ball is also white.
yeah if you want to, but i don't know your towns rules because it's different for every town.
Its different with each team, but I know on some teams the starting pitcher gets to choose if they want to wear an alternate jersey or the regular one. Some teams' management decides what they will wear that game.