This depends on the country you are living in. Some countries have strict minimum ages for paid occupation (usually around 16-18) however, where i am from, some part time jobs like working at a supermarket are possible at the age of 15 as an exception to legislation.
you need to be 15 to get a part-time job in belgium
You must be 15 to have a part time job in the State of Texas
I would reccomend babysitting if you are a girl.
I don't have a job
There are several different places a 15 year old can get a part-time job in Los Vegas. Some of these places include hotels, gas stations, restaurants, casinos, and some factories.
nowhere. due to child labor laws you must be atleast 15 to have a part-time job, unless employed by your parents.
No real job for a 15 year old because child labor laws state that an employer can only hire people at 16 for a part time job.
how old do need to get a part time job? which gender can get part time job easier?
15 for teenage guys 16 for teenage girls
At the age of 15, it would be best to look around your neighborhood for a job. Mowing lawns and other tasks like that can be greatly appreciated by the neighbors.
you cannot be 11 and have a part time job