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Ralph hesitates and doesn't want to participate in the violent game of putting Robert in the part of the boar. He feels uncomfortable and disturbed by the boys' behavior, indicating his resistance to succumbing to their savage instincts.

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Q: What does ralph do when the boys start to play putting robert in the part of the boar?
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How does Ralph react to his first hunting experience?

When Ralph is charged by the boar he throws his spear at it and hits it in the snout. Ralph is elated and eager to retell his actions to anyone who will listen. During the re-enaction of the hunt, with Robert playing the part of the boar, Ralph becomes over exited by the re-enaction. Ralph seizes Eric's spear and jabs Robert with it. Then he fights to get close to Robert so he can squeeze and hurt his vulnerable flesh.

Lord of the flies What happens when Ralph wounds the boar?

Ralph threw his spear and hit the boar in the snout. The boar squealed and then swerved aside into the covert. After searching the immediate area the boys were forced to admit that the boar has escaped. Ralph was in a state of excitement because he'd actually taken part in a hunt and had hit the boar with his spear. Jack, as always, tried to top Ralph's claims by showing a bloody but insignificant rip on his arm caused by the boar. The boys began to reenact the hunt with Robert taking the part of the pig, until he screamed in pain, as he was beginning to get hurt for real. then the entire thing got even further out of hand when Ralph shouted "Kill him! Kill him!" and the boys attacked Robert, seemingly intent on really hurting him. Eventually, after Jack pretended to slit Robert's throat and Robert made 'pig dying noises' the reenactment was over, leaving Robert frightened and crying. Excited by the game the boys then suggest improvements, such as using a drum and someone dressed as a pig. When Robert protested that they needed to use a pig, "because you've got to kill it." Jack suggested, "Use a littlun," and everyone laughed, but was he only joking?

What did Ralph help spear in chapter 7?

A boar, Ralph was the only one that hit the boar.

While the boys re-enact the hunt with Robert playing the part of the boar what does Ralph do?

When the boys re-enact the hunting of the boar, with Robert playing the part of the pig, Ralph joins in. To quote from the book... Ralph, carried away by the sudden thick excitement, grabbed Eric's spear and jabbed at Robert with it. And a little later in another quote... Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown, vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering.

4. What does Ralph do when the boar charges?

Ralph throws his spear towards the boar but misses it, feeling the exhilaration of hunting.

What is Ralph's reaction to the re-enaction of the kill in Lord of the Flies?

During the re-enaction of the hunt, with Robert playing the part of the boar, Ralph becomes over exited by the re-enaction. Ralph seizes Eric's spear and jabs Robert with it. Then he fights to get close to Robert so he can squeeze and hurt his vulnerable flesh.

Who hit the boar with the spear lord of the flies?


Who hit the boar with his spear lord of the flies?


When Ralph strikes the boar on the snout with his spear how does he feel?

Ralph feels exhilarated and powerful as he successfully hits the boar, asserting his control and superiority over the hunting expedition.

Who wounds a boar by sticking his spear into its snout?

Ralph throws a spear at an advancing boar and the spear hits its snout.

What does Ralph accomplish that he is quite proud of in chapter 7?

Ralph stood his ground in the pig run, as the boar rushed towards him, and then took aim and threw his spear at the boar, hitting it in the snout.

What was the incident with the boar in Lord of the Flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the incident with the boar occurs when the boys attempt to hunt and kill the boar for food. Jack gets close to the boar but fails to kill it, which frustrates him. This incident emphasizes the boys' descent into savagery and their struggle to maintain order and civilization on the island.