As of 2021, Bethany Hamilton's brothers Noah is 17 years old and Timmy is 14 years old.
Her brothers names are Noah and Timothy
Noah and Timmy
noah and timmy hamilton
bethnays brother are Timmy and Noah hamilton they also surf
She has 2 brothers: Noah (who is 7 years older) and Timmy (who is 4 years older)
They worked with Noah in a hotel and now they help Bethany
Ross Thomas as Noah HamiltonChris Brochu as Timmy Hamilton
No. Her brothers are way older than her: Noah by 7 years and Timmy by 4 years
2 brothers: Noah who is 7 years older, and Timmy who is 4 years older
Bethany Hamilton her brothers Timmy Hamilton and Noah Hamilton and her parents Tom and Cheri Hamilton.
Noah and Timmy are kind, religious, encouraging boys who are always there for Bethany when she needs them. They are also very competitive when it comes to sports. Source(s): Bethany Hamilton's biography, Soul Surfer
Noah is the oldest