Lenin led the Bolshevik faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. The RSDLP was split into two factions, Lenin's Bolsheviks and the majority faction Mensheviks. Both Bolsheviks and Mensheviks were Marxist. The Mensheviks were just not as radical as the Bolsheviks. Lenin led the Bolshevik faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Party. The RSDLP was split into two factions, Lenin's Bolsheviks and the majority faction Mensheviks. Both Bolsheviks and Mensheviks were Marxist. The Mensheviks were just not as radical as the Bolsheviks.
The Bolsheviks main opponents were called the Mensheviks.
(1) The Kadets(2) The Social Revolutionaries(3) The Russian Social Democratic Labor Porty (Mensheviks and Bolsheviks).
They were both factions of the Marxist Russian Social and Democratic Labor Party, so their basic policies were more or less the same. The main differences were regarding the interpretation of Marx's "historical stages". Marx argued that all societies MUST go through certain economic stages of development; feudal, capitalist, socialist and communist. The Mensheviks thought that as Russia had only just got out of the feudal stage and only had policies that could be described as capitalist since the 1905 Revolution the country should be encouraged along the road of capitalism and that the proletariat taking over would be premature. The Bolsheviks came up with the idea of "telescoping" the stages of economic development. They argued that the proletariat could take power, as the capitalist stage had already happened. They were not all that different and they pursued the same ideals, but as with all political matters, neither of them quite saw eye to eye with each other on how it should be achieved. The Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks were both factions of the same political party prior to 1904. The differences that split the two groups were petty and almost childish. The Mensheviks were a little more moderate than the Bolsheviks. Menshevik is derived from a Russian word meaning "minority". Bolshevik is derived from a Russian word meaning "majority".
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Jules Martov led the Mensheviks (:
No, the Mensheviks were led mostly by Jules Martov. Trotsky was part of the Menshevik faction and one of its best theoreticians, but he wasn't their leader. Shortly before the October Revolution, Trotsky left the Mensheviks and joined the Bolsheviks.
Stalin had a great many tactics and methods for achieving his goals. Stalin would use control and manipulation for example.
to push them out
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strong of character and smart tactics
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Mensheviks were not in favor of withdrawing from World War I. The Bolsheviks were. Also, the mensheviks were a majority.
The Mensheviks lost because they lacked the leadership of Lenin and were less radical in using force.
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The Bolsheviks and Mensheviks split essentially because the Mensheviks were reformists and the Bolsheviks were revolutionaries. The Bolsheviks said that when the revolution finally came, the Mensheviks would sooner or later only hinder it and would betray the revolution.