No French revolutionary took control of a government in 1917; however a Russian revolutionary, Vladimir Lenin, took control of the Russian government in 1917.
Which government are you talking about? Adolf Hitler had complete control over Germany and Benito Mussolini had complete control over Italy.
Fidel Castro was a revolutionary leader who established a communist regime in Cuba. His primary ally in the revolution was Che Guvarra. He was the first secretary of the communist party of Cuba from 1961 to 2011. He was also a Prime Minister, President, and Commander in Chief.
Jean Paul Marat was a leader of the French Revolution. He was killed by Charlotte Corday of Caen, France in his bath tub. He continued to issue letters, pamphlets, and speeches to the citizens of France for the Revolution, despite the troubles it had in establishing a government, and eventually the Emperor Napoleon. Marat's socialist ideals were corrupted. Even with the Revolutionary Tribunals and use of the guillotine the redistribution of wealth could not occur, leaving the poor facing inflation, war, and few options.
Simon Bolivar
he was the one that organized the thing, it was an overthrow the french government basically. he was kind of like the ring leader, gathering everyone that had even a small part of dislike toward the Directory, or the government ruling France at the time, and decided to make a change.
Fidel Castro was the revolutionary leader who seized control of the Cuban government. Castro was in office from 1961 to 2011.
Vladimir Lenin led the Bolsheviks, the group that gained control of the Provisional Russian government in 1917.
The Bolsheviks or Russian Democratic Workers Party seized control of the Russian government in November 1917. Vladimir I. Lenin was the leader of this party.
Maximilien Robespierre, the leader of the Jacobins.
the leader was robespierrre
Che Guevara led the military tactics, and Fidel Castro assumed power as Dictator of Cuba.
the second french republic
Maximilien Robespierre
the leader of the French puppet government in Saigon was bao dai.
Lenin, follower of Karl Marx, died in 1994, believed the solution for Russia's government to own and control all farms and factories.
Maximilien Robespierre (le monstre).