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Venus Ebony Starr Williams

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What is the meaning najmus saqib?

Najmus = Star Saqib = Bright/Shining Najmus Saqib = Bright Star

What country does the name kira come from?

This surname Kira could come from Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Russia, Phillippines, Malaysia, China, Japan, Hungary, and probably other countries, so there is a wide variety.As the first name Kira, it could be of Greek origin. Maybe Kira is also a shorten version of a longer name.Kira (first name) - is pronounced KEER-ah. It is of Greekorigin, and the meaning of Kira is "lady". Variant of Kyra. Made familiar by thecharacter Major Kira on the TV series"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine".

When did world war 1 star and end?

1914 through 1918

The greatest track star in Canadian history?

Harry Jerome

How did early travelers use the North Star so that they would not lose their way on a journey?

Polaris, or the North Star, is in a very interesting position in space where it appears to be directly over the North Pole. Contrary to every other star in the night sky, it's location in the sky is not time dependent or season dependent. Other stars slowly move across the sky as the Earth tilts toward or away from the Sun. The traveler would use the star as a compass and would place the North Star as true north. Once north was verified, the traveler would determine which way east, west and south were. With all of those coordinates they had a general idea of where they were going. With the development of the astrolabe and the sextant, the North Star could also be used to calculate latitude (or distance from the equator). Similarly, a clock set to local solar noon and a second set to solar noon in a known place could provide longitude with each hour of difference accounting for 15 degrees. (This did not involve the North Star, though.)