he was sent from Spain to look for the safest harbor
he got sent to look for the safest harbor for the other explorers
Oh, dude, Sebastian Rodriguez Cermeno died in 1669. Like, that was a long time ago. I mean, RIP and all, but I wasn't exactly around to witness it firsthand, you know?
In 1442, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo sails along the California coast. He is the first European explorer to navigate this coast. In 1769-1770, the Portola expedition sails along the coast as well as lands and explores the present-day state of California.
Jennifer Rodriguez was born in 1976.
Eladio Rodriguez was born in 1979.
Lordy Rodriguez was born in 1976.
Jeanette Rodriguez was born in 1990.
Xavier Rodriguez was born in 1961.
Alonso Rodriguez was born in 1526.
Dionicio Rodriguez was born in 1891.
Elisabeth Rodriguez was born in 1995.
Eliott Rodriguez was born in 1956.
Andrew Rodriguez was born in 1971.
Ricky Rodriguez was born in 1975.
Wilson Rodriguez was born in 1966.