The most important factors were Bloody Sunday and the Czar's mistreatment of the people
Bloody Sunday occurred in 1905, therefore it could not have been one of the most important factors that enabled the Bolsheviks to seize power in October 1917. Bloody Sunday led to the feeling that the Tsar should be overthrown but not that the Bolsheviks should be in power.
An important factor that enabled the Bolsheviks to seize power was that they were the one political party that had armed forces at its disposal. This was the Military Revolutionary Committee that had been set up days before the actual revolution. It was under the control of the Petrograd Soviet, which by then was under the Bolsheviks with Leon Trotsky at its head. With this armed force the Bolsheviks were able to seize and hold vital transportation, communication and military installations. This paralyzed the Provisional Government from alerting its own forces to what was happening and preventing it from bringing in troops to fight against the armed Bolsheviks.
Another important factor was that the Bolsheviks had so infiltrated the Petrograd garrison that its soldiers were more loyal to the Bolsheviks than to their own commanders. The result was that when the Provisional Government tried to order the garrison out to fight the Bolsheviks, it refused to do so.
They were able to do this as a result of taking advantage of the current political and social situations in the country at the time. Through such decisions as disbanding the army, and siding with the majority, the peasants, though such promises as land, food, equality and peace. Through such events Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, also known as Lenin, was able to take full control for the Bolsheviks.
The Bolsheviks started off, in 1903, as the main minority of the Social Democratic Labour Party. As all anti-tsarist groups the party was illegal. The party was based upon the beliefs of Karl Marx, a german writer and revolutionary, who believed a revolution could only be started within the workforce of the major cities. Lenin believed strongly in these morals and used them as a guide to his goal of revolution.
The party continued to prostest against the current government in Russia and over time the political, social and economic disontent and the famous event know as 'Bloody Sunday', where the imperial guards shot and killed the protesting people of St.Petersburg, eventually pulled more followers over to the party.
After these events, which were known as the 1905 revolutuon, the October Manifesto occured. This gave the people a lot more rights and a national parliament, the Duma. All seemed well, but there was one problem. The Menshiviks, who were the less radical majority of the Social Democratic Labour Party, argued that the revolution had gone far enough, however the Bolsheviks insisted that it go further until a new, soviet state was established. Thus, the party split up and formed two seperate groups. Also, since the revolution hadn't worked, many of the revolution's leaders, such as Lenin, were forced to go into exile abroad.
During his time in Switzerland, in exile, Lenin wrote his thoughts in his revolutionary newspaper, "Pravda". Through this Lenin was able to show his supporters their mistakes in the first revolution and what they needed to do for a second one to work. These ideas helped the Soviets organise themselves better, which paved the way for 1917.
In April, 1917, Lenin returned home. As soon as he arrived he began organising the Bolshevik opposition towards the newly founded parliament. Although not extremely popular at the time, Lenin's excellent oranisation, and promises of a better life gained him more and more support. Soon he was joined in his effort by Trotsky, a former menshivik, who helped him organise the movement.
Lenin thought his chance had come in July. There was an uprising against the government and the Bolsheviks took advantage of the situation and supported the protesters. In the end though, the uprising was suppressed and many Bolsheviks, including trotsky were imprisoned. Again, Lenin left for overseas.
While Lenin was hiding out in Finland the head of the provisional goverment tried to win more support by resigning and placing Kernsky as the new prime minister of a new government, maily made up of menshiviks and social revolutionaries. This satisfied the people at first, but soon the armed forces tried to overthrow Kerensky. Worried, Kerensky turned to the Bolsheviks for support. He released bolshevik prisoners and gave them much power. This enabled the Bolsheviks to start taking control. Realising another chance had came, Lenin wrote to his comrades, telling them to organise a second revolution.
In October the second revolution worked. Lenin came back from Finland and organised, with Trotsky, the new plan to take control. Trotsky organised a small army and stormed the Winter Palace, home to the weakening Kerensky goverment. The Bolsheviks then captured Moscow and were in basic control of Russia.
Although Lenin had control he wasn't completely supported by the people of Russia. To gain support Lenin made a secret police force, which was in charge of erasing any opposition to the party. The Bolsheviks were also renamed the Communists. Freedom of press was cancelled, unless you supported the Communist cause. The government took control of all ways of life. Lenin also made peace with the germans as he knew if war continued, the revolution wouldn't fully work. Although some were angery with the losses Russia had in the treaty, the Bolsheviks were in control, though it was not a steady form of control. There was still widespread opposition and soon a civil war broke out.
Straight after the Treaty of brest-Litovsk was signed, a civil war broke out. This war was between the communists ( Reds ) and the anti-communists ( Whites ). As a result of oppositional weakness, presise leadership and planning Lenin and trotsky were able to have the revolution they had waited for for so long. Russia was now a communist state under the contol of Lenin. This communist rule would last until the early nighnties. It was one of the most, if not the most, important events that shaped Russia's and the U.S.S.R.'s history.
Source(s):…The Bolsheviks came to power, by shutting down an election by force when the socialist revolutionaries won the election. The leader of the Bolsheviks, were just as bad as Tsar Nicholas II.
The Bolsheviks main opponents were called the Mensheviks.
i duno but they come in 1917 and take all the credit.
alot of things happened in november 1917. like babies being born and people dieing, new presidents come in old presidents leave and sometimes die so why are you asking this question?
descarega musica
Lenin and the Bolsheviks came into power on October 26, the culmination of the two day October Revolution. Prior to that, the Russian Provisional Government was in power. Arrest warrants were out for Lenin since July, 1917 and he had to flee the country to Finland to avoid capture. He snuck back in under disguise to organize the October insurrection which brought him and the Bolsheviks into power.
The Bolsheviks came to power, by shutting down an election by force when the socialist revolutionaries won the election. The leader of the Bolsheviks, were just as bad as Tsar Nicholas II.
Cronous was the overthrown ruler, which enabled the Olympian gods to come to power.
Lenin and the Bolsheviks began their rise to power in earnest when Lenin returned to Russia from exile in Switzerland in April 1917 after the February 1917 Revolution which toppled the Tsar. From then on, Lenin and the Bolsheviks worked against the new Provisional Government by promising an end to World War 1, redistribution of land to peasants and an end to shortages of food and manufactured goods. They spread their revolutionary ideas among the soldiers, workers and peasants until they were able to overthrow the Provisional Government in the October Revolution of 1917 and take over full political governmental power in Russia.
Germany helped the Bolsheviks come to power byReturning their leader Vladimir Lenin and other top Bolsheviks into Russia.Giving the Bolsheviks money to use to carry on their revolutionary activities and buy weapons to create a small army.
It Has Come at Last - 1917 was released on: USA: 4 November 1917
Joseph Stalin come to power in Russia after the Russian Revolution in 1917. He was the secretary general of the communists party which did not want Leon Trotsky to ascend to power after the death of Lenin.
In 1917
The Bolsheviks main opponents were called the Mensheviks.
The US did, from April 1917 to November 1918. The Nazis do not exist at that time. They come to power in Germany in 1933 under Hitler. But it can be seen that WWI has great influence on their rise to power.