The longest suicide note in history happened in 1983.
Queen victoria x
The longest labor strike in the history of the United States of America lasted more than three years. This strike was brought on by the workers at a Caterpillar equipment plant in Illinois.
Louis XIV reigned from 1638-1715 for a total of 72 years. He is the longest reigning monarch in European History and in French history he is the longest reigning monarch consequently. The only other French monarch to come close to that length was Lous XIV's great-grandson, Louis XV (60 years).
the longest history in the world, the chilvilization started back more than 6,000 years ago.
longest six in history of cricket by the criss gyle from west indies
by shahid khan afridi
Aiden Blizard
Shahid Afridi hit the longest six in international cricket history and it was 132 meters long...
longest six hit by boom boom shahid khan afridi against Australia
Albie Morkel
Sonu sharma at dharamshala in h.p 250 metres long.
zard's six of 173 mts is longestsix till date 2nd is sahid afridi
This is repeatation of the question. See the earlier given correct answer of the same type of question.
Albie Morkel hit 125 m six longest in the ipl for CSK
Zaid hit a 173m six for Victoria, but in international cricket Shahid Afridi recently in March 2013 hit one for 158m!!