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everything. go get a second opinion or you will enter a coma.

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Q: You hit your head extremely hard while skiing you went to a doctor and she said that there isno concussionhowever since the hit you have been feeling very dizzy nausious What is wrong with you?
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Is normal for to have have no feeling in your testes?

It is not normal to feel numb or have no feeling in the testes. You should see a doctor if it persists.

What is the feeling that people are out to get you called?

It may be anxiety or paranoia. It can be treated. You can talk to a counselor or a doctor, if the feeling is severe.

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If you are feeling stressed you can try going for a walk to release some of it. If you are always stressed you should talk to your doctor.

Unsure whether i did something or not but have a feeling i didnt?

I am not sure why you are feeling this way. Maybe you should try going and talking to a doctor.

Why I'm not feeling good?

You are not feeling good because your body must be attacked by a disease. You should see a doctor for medication.