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Q: Would you take me for a ride on the bobsled?
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What is the verb phrase in the sentence Would you take me for a ride on the bobsled?

Would you

Would you take me a ride on the bobsled what is the verb phase in the sentence?

The verb phrase in the sentence is "would take." It consists of the modal verb "would" and the main verb "take."

What is a dry bobsled?

a dry bobsled is similar to an ice bobsled run, but without the ice. It is a metal trough in which you ride a small cart that has wheels.

What would you ride in the snow downhill?

a sled, bobsled, ski's, or snowboard (They're all something you can ride/use to go downhill in the snow).

Is a bobsled a noun or what?

It depends on what you mean by bobsled, If you mean bobsled the object yes it is a noun, but if you mean bobsledding it is a verb.

When was Alpine Bobsled created?

Alpine Bobsled was created in 1998.

What does the most expensive bobsleds cost?

An amateur bobsled would probably cost about £100/€111/$152 although official bobsled used in the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games would cost a lot more.

Is there a Welsh bobsled team?

No there is no Welsh bobsled team but Jameica has one

What is the duration of Alpine Bobsled?

The duration of Alpine Bobsled is 60.0 seconds.

What is the mass of a 4900N bobsled?

To find the mass of the bobsled, you can use the formula: mass = force of gravity / acceleration due to gravity. If the bobsled has a weight of 4900N, and acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.81 m/s^2, you can calculate the mass using the formula: mass = 4900N / 9.81 m/s^2. The mass of the bobsled would be approximately 499 kg.

When was Camel Bobsled Race created?

Camel Bobsled Race was created in 1997.

What is the job of the two center men in a four member bobsled team?

to push the bobsled