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Q: Why was paul content to play backup goalie?
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If a goalie in ice hockey is pulled can he play later in the game?

Yes. If the team pulls the starting goaltender and puts in their backup, they can later pull their backup and play their starter again. Same goes for if the team pulls the goalie for an empty net.

Has a backup goalie ever come in and win after the starter has been pulled?

Yes, I had a goalie play for my lacrosse team and he got moved up to varsity because their goaliei had been injured and so our backup goalie was in the cage and we won 3 straight games

How many players can be on a hockey team?

im pretty sure there should be 24. But only 19 players(Including the goalie) can play on the ice in one game. there can be a backup goalie who replaces the starting goalie

In Gatorball can the goalie play any ball with his hands inside the goalie area?

Yes, as long as they are in the goalie box

How many subs in ice hockey?

A backup goalie, and three backup forward lines and 2 backup defense lines. 14 subs and 20 players in all, plus a couple extra for injuries and special teasers.

How do you play as goalie on NHL video game?

You have to own the 360 or PS3 version, go to start menu during game, go down to settings, goalie mode on, or go to be a pro and play as an NHL goalie.

Who was the first person to play goalie?

Impossible to answer!

How do you play goalie in hockey?

you block the puck.

Is it a foul when a player from team A passes the ball back to his own goalie and the goalie then kicks it into play?

no, the goalie can kick the ball. He cannot pick it up though.

What happens in the NHL if a goalie loses his helmet during play?

Although goalies used to play bare headed, in the modern NHL a goalie losing his helmet results in an immediate stoppage in play.

What is the least number of people who can play soccer?

It depends if you want to have a goalie or not. If you want a goalie, you will need just two people (1 goalie and one forward). If you don't want a goalie, just one person. They can serve as a defense, goalie, and a forward. To play an actual game of soccer (one person per position), you will need 4 people (1 goalie, 1 defense, 1 midfield, 1 forward).

What position did Jacques Planteq play in the NHL?
