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Because its off the chain

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16y ago

Because its fun and they like it.

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Q: Why people watch hockey?
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Related questions

Do lame people watch hockey?

Hockey is for lame people

How many people watch hockey in a day?

millions of people

How many people watch hockey over baseball?

It depends on what hockey you are talking about. Are you talking about field hockey, ice hockey, street hockey? Or are you talking about all of them?

What does a halfback do in hockey?

Watch. That's football not hockey.

Were can you watch hockey rather than NBC?

You can watch live hockey games on the internet here

What do people in Ontario do for a living?

They shovel snow, watch hockey, kill animals, and lick Mexicans.

What is a hockey dad?

A hockey dad is a father who may or may not have a child in the game of hockey, but does watch the sport enthusiastically.

What is good about hockey?

Everything is good about hockey its fun to watch and there are some good fighting

Can you watch a hockey game on the internet?


Where can you watch nhl hockey online?

What is the best site to watch free hockey games?

you can go on ESPN 3 to watch it

What is the best sport to watch on TV?

Ice Hockey