

Why is skiing bad for you?

Updated: 11/22/2022
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Q: Why is skiing bad for you?
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Why can you get sin burnt when skiing?

If you mean "sun" not "sin" then yes. You can get a pretty bad sun burn while skiing if its sunny outside.

What is the best mountain for back country skiing in NY State?

Ny skiing is bad. Go to the rockies. The mts are at least five times as high.

Why do people have a bad time skiing?

Its because it is very cold out which means there is a lot of risks like if an avalanche comes down when you are skiing. I personally think skiing is okay but you need to be used to cold when your there. Hope it helped!

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She got in a bad boating accident while jet skiing.

What is Michigan well known for?

9 months of snow and 3 months of bad skiing

Is freestyle skiing the same as aerial skiing?

aerial skiing is one form of freestyle skiing. Moguls and aerials make up freestyle skiing

What are three types of skiing you could participate in?

Water skiing, Downhill skiing, cross country skiing, freestyle skiing, ski jumping, so on.

What is the phobia for skiing?

Chionophobia is the phobia of skiing/snow.

Is nordic downhill skiing?

No, nordic skiing is same as cross-country skiing.

What is another name for back country skiing?

Back country skiing is where one hikes to the crest of a hill, and alpines down. A type of skiing similar to back country skiing is telemark skiing. Back country skiing has no synonyms.

How is heli skiing different from other kinds of skiing?

The difference with Heli Skiing and normal Skiing is normal skiing you have chair lifts and lift lines. Whereas Heli skiing has a helicopter that takes you from the ground right up to the top

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