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It doesn't take a lot of strength. What do you mean?

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Q: Why is baseball played in cold weather?
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Related questions

Does a baseball travel faster in hot weather then cold weather?

yes, molecules are spread out during hot weather giving a baseball less resistence while traveling through the air. In cold weather, molecules and more dense, thus, making it harder for the baseball to travel. -Vic J

How many times have the super bowl been played in cold weather?

46 times

What is Uranus weather?

Uranus's weather is cold

Is it better to get the cold in hot or cold weather?

Hot weather

What sports are typically played in sunny weather?

There are many sports that are generally played in sunny weather. The biggest sports that are typically sunny weather sports would be sports like tennis, soccer, and baseball.

Do you experience cold weather?

Yes, you experience or feel cold weather

Can a chihuahua survive cold weather?

Yes they can survive in cold weather.

Can salamander die in cold or hot weather?

Hot Weather.

Do farts stink more in hot weather or cold weather?

Farts can potentially be smellier in hot weather due to increased humidity and higher temperatures, which can intensify odor. In cold weather, the air is typically drier, meaning that the smell may dissipate more quickly.

How do you protect from cold and flu?

from not going in out in cold weather and not drinking cold drinks from not going in out in cold weather and not drinking cold drinks

What weather condition does a baseball travel farthest?

A baseball travels the farthest when it is hot and humid because the air is less dense than when it is cold and dry.

How does a Bird it protect itself from cold weather?

Bird's feathers act as insulators against the cold. They often survive cold weather by finding a protected area out of the cold weather.