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i think because the people were bord and it was winter!!!

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Fast travel on ice.

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Q: Why ice skating was invented?
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Related questions

Who invented ice skates or ice skating?

It was invented for transportation thousands of years ago. Many different ice skates have been invented over the years. "Ice skating: From Axels to Zambonis" is a good book to read to learn more.

Where was skating invented?

Skating (ice skating, to be specific) was invented thousands and thousands of years ago in 3000 B.C. in Ireland (I'm pretty sure).

Was roller skating or ice skating first?

I think ice skating

What is the wordle for SKATING ice?

ice skating

What is the name where people do skating on ice?

Ice skating, or if you do competitive skating it is called figure skating.

What country was ice skating invented?

It has been suggested that early ice skating happened in Finland more than 3000 years ago. True skating arrived with the Dutch in the 13th/14th Century with sharpened edges on the bottom pf the skates

What is better ice skating or going to the cinema?

Ice skating, Because everybody has gone to the cinema. But a phew have gone Ice skating :)

What is in line ice skating?

in line ice skating is where you skate in a line

Is Ice skating more popular then Figure skating?

Figure skating is a type of ice skating. It's like asking "Is a Ferrari more popular than a car?" A Ferrari is a type of car. Ice skating includes figure skating, speed skating, ice dancing, ice hockey, any type of activity where you move across the ice on skates. So, ice skating would have more participants because it includes more activities than just figure skating.

Hen did she take the ice skating test?

hen took some ice skating test because all the ice skaters have to take the ice skating tst

Is skating on the ice skating or watching other people skate?

Ice skating is actually putting on skates and getting out on the ice. There are two kinds of skating. There is Figure Skating, which is the more graceful dancing kind, and Speed Skating, which is just racing on the rink.

What do you wear to ice skate?

Ice skating boots or a ply skating board