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The salt temporarily melts the snow, creating water. The water then refreezes, creating ice. Ice is much firmer, and faster than snow.

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Q: Why does salt on a ski hill make the snow more firm?
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how many grams of salt is in a salt hill?

About as many as ants in a Tennessee ant hill.

How much salt to make water conductive?

even a bit of salt can make a (tiny) bit of electricity. the more salt, the more electricity

How do you make salt water denser?

you make salt water denser by adding more salt to the water

How can you make salt denser?

you make salt water denser by putting more water or taking the salt off the salt water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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In theory, the more salt you add to ice, the more you lower its melting point and the more ice will melt.

What effect does sALT have on bubbLEs?

When you add salt to soap it will make more bubbles. not bigger bubbles but more bubbles.

How do you make the Protective Circle in the Spider wick Cronicles?

salt, grind salt. dont do it it attracts negative energy more you be the salt and make you energy stronger

Does it make a difference if you add more salt to salt water?

It is a simple theory probably no because once the salt fills all the empty spaces and if you add more salt there will be no more space so the salt you added will just sink to the bottom.

Does iodide make salt more salty?

Iodide itself does not make salt more salty. However, iodized salt, which contains iodide, may have a slightly different flavor profile compared to non-iodized salt, which could impact perceived saltiness.