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Q: Why does a bell ring at the start of a dog race?
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How do you train a dog to ring a bell in the house when it needs to go out?

Hang the bell on the door and each time you go to the door to let out your dog, ring it. As soon as the dog shows any interest in the bell at all, reward with treats. After the dog begins to touch the bell withhold treats treats until he/she touches it hard enough to make noise. Be sure to take your dog out each time the bell rings so the association built is for bell=go out not noise=treats. Good luck!

Who was ivon pavlov?

Ivan Pavlov was a Russian psychologist who is famously known for his conditioning experiment involving a dog and a bell. What he did was train the dog to salivate by ringing a bell. To do so, Pavlov would place food in front of the dog, and ring the bell. Thus, the dog would salivate at the sight of the food and subconsciously at the sound of the bell. Through conditioning, Pavlov was able to repeat the process until the dog became accustomed to hearing the sound of the bell, and ultimately when the dog heard the bell ring, it would begin to salivate as it had learned to associate the sound of the bell with food, and food resulted in its salivation

How do you get the treasure out in Big Nate Island?

ring bell. girls go away, dog digs crackers. TREASURE!

Where does Alaska's iditarod trail sled dog race start?

In Anchorage.

When did Michael Vick start dog fighting?

In April 2007, Vick was in an illegal dog fighting ring

Do you smack your dog if it pees in the house?

no he thinks it is his territory and he does it try to teach it to ring a bell or something so you'll know

Weapons start with the letter d?

Dagger, Dynamite Dardick, dumb bell, dog

Where does the Iditarod dog sled race start?

The Iditarod dog sled race starts in Willow, Alaska.

When did the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race start?

It first started in 1973. :)

How did Michael Vick start dogfighting?

He operated a dog fighting ring for 5 years.

On big nate island what does the map mean?

you look at the map and where the x is is where you give the dog the peanut crackers (only if you ring the bell first)

What is the fewest number of dogs you can race with in a professional dog sledding team?

The fewest dogs you can run with is at least 10. At the start of the race you must at least has 12 dogs in order to start the race