

Best Answer

Skiis, poles, boots.

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Q: Why do you use skiing?
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Related questions

Is skiing a word?

Depending on the use of it, it can be Present participle (I am skiing), or Gerund (Skiing is my favorite sport).

Is skiing a participle word?

Depending on the use of it, it can be Present participle (I am skiing), or Gerund (Skiing is my favorite sport).

How would you use water skiing in a sentence?

i like water skiing.

What did freestyle skiing use to be called?

skiers use jumps (also called kickers or launches) or rails to do Freestyle skiing

What muscles do you use when skiing?

All of them

What is heli-skiing?

That's when you use a helicopter instead of a ski lift to get to the start position of the skiing.

A sport that you use short skis?


What do use for skiing?

you use skis to ski on snow and when you do ski jumping

What do you use ski boots for?

SKIING!You use them for skiing. Ski boots are hard plastic and specially formulated to fit into a ski binding which is mounted on the ski. Once you snap into the ski binding you are securely fastened to your skis and can commence the skiing process.

Skiing is a form of what?

Skiers use skis to slide down a mountain on snow. There are various distinct disciplines available in competition skiing. Alpine skiing is a form of speed skiing in which competitors ski around gates as they descend a hill. Skiers may do it for fun or for competition

How would you use Water in a sentence?

i like water skiing.

What winter sports use gates?

Snowboard Slalom and Skiing Slalom