Any loose clothing will provide additional air resistance so speed skaters - and many other athletes trying to minimize drag and maximize their speed - will wear form-fitting clothing.
Every time there is a serious fall or injury in figure skating that is widely seen or reported, the topic of whether skaters in competition should wear helmets comes up. It seems very unlikely that the International Skating Union will ever require helmets, for almost exclusively aesthetic reasons.
They wear exactly what men wear when the tango.
Yes Figure Skaters Can Wear Make-up :-)---it's practically required!
Figure skaters wear a variety of different things. Practice wear and Competition wear are different from each other. For practice they usually wear spandex leggings with a tee shirt and light sweatshirt. Skirts or spandex shorts can also be worn. In competitions skaters wear their costumes, which go with the music they are skating to. This can range from very theatrical and elaborate costumes to a form fitting dress.
Pro hockey and speed skaters wear helmets but pro figure skaters don't.
Yes.Figure skaters cant wear their hair down for a show because it will get in their face:-)
They're used for different purposes-- figure skates for jumps and spins and speed skates for speed.
Go to mars and figure out!
Yes, it is either that or short mini-dresses.
*pro they were hand made dresses or shirts so there original but very expensive
I'm a figure skater myself , and most of the time during competition we don't wear one. however, if we have a certain type of dress we can wear a strapless once.
It depends on whether or not you are skating dance or singles and pairs. Dance girls wear a dress that has a longer skirt in the back, the top can be anything, full bodied, skimpy, or whatever the designer has in mind. For a singles or pairs girl, they wear a shorter skirt that is very jumping, spinning friendly, making it easier for them to skate.
children wear costumes to celebrate Halloween or they wear costumes for the fun of it.