The father is Joe Redington. and mother is unknown on this sight.
Dorothy Page is known as the "mother of the Iditarod trail sled dog race."
March 3, 2011 is when the Iditarod race starts.
That is what I'm trying to figure out and a little more the mother of the Iditarod race is Dorthy Page and the father is Joe Redington Sr. hate to help you By Anonymous
The Iditarod race course is from Seward, Alaska to Nome, Alaska.
The first Iditarod race to Nome was in March 3, 1973
dogsled teams of 16 start out running in the race
The Iditarod dog sled race starts in Willow, Alaska.
Dorothy G. Page is known as the Mother of the Iditarod. The Iditarod is a 1,049-mile sled dog race across the state of Alaska.
At a time when dog mushing was fading, a man that lived in Knik, Alaska had the idea of a dog mushing race from Knik to Nome. His name was Joe Redington Sr. often called the father of the Iditarod. He started the Iditarod Sled Dog Race in 1973.
March 3rd 2011
In Anchorage.