the ten most famous hockey players are Wayne Gretzky, Bobby Orr, Bobby Clark, Mark Messier, Henrik Lundqvist, Alexander Ovechkin, Sidney Crosby, Mike Richter, Evgeni Malkin, and lastly, Brandon Kovulchuk. PS, I'm also not a bad hockey player myself.
Pele for Brazil
10 Players on an Ice Hockey Rink (plus 2 goalies)
The very best field hockey player is Tourn de Nooijer, the Dutch Captain.
A team can have up to 16 players generally. 11 players are on the field at one time - 10 field players and 1 goal keeper. Up to 5 players can be on the 'bench' and can be rotated into the game at any time.
Patrick Roy became famous by being a ice hockey goaltender. He has played for 10 years. He a proffesional at hockey. So that is how Patrick Roy became a famour hockey goaltender.
A field hockey team consists of 10 players 3 defense or backs, 3 midfielders, 3 front line, and 1 striker that is right between the front line and the midfield
The maximum number of players allowed in a game of poker is typically 10 players.
The maximum number of players allowed in a poker game is typically 10 players.
12 just like hockey 2 goalies and 10 other peoples
usually its always been the best, Pele wore it, Maradona wore it, Jorge "Majico" Gonazalez wore it for a while, and other players did too, now its usually you see Messi and Ronaldo, and Ronaldinho, excluding other players that arent so famous
Messi and Wayne Rooney have number 10