Maxi Herber of Germany.
Maxi was 15 years, 127 days old when she won the mixed pairs competition, with partner Ernst Baier, at the 1936 Winter Games in Berlin.
Tara Lipinski of the United States is the youngest female to win an individual skating gold medal when she won the 2002 Winter Games ladies singles competition at 15 years, 255 days. That beat the mark set by Sonja Henie of Norway in the 1928 Winter Games in St. Moritz by 68 days.
The most well-known Olympians among the general public tends to change over time as new Olympic Games are held. For example, in the late 1990s one of the most well-known Olympic figures was Michelle Kwan, a figure skater. About twelve years later, Michael Phelps became a household name with his impressive streak of wins in swimming event.
Bjørn Dæhlie
Bjørn Dæhlie.
Bjørn Dæhlie
Bjørn Dæhlie
Carl Lewis.
Carl Lewis.
Michael Phelps is not in the Olympic hall of fame yet, i think it takes years to be entered because some people who were entered this year competed in the 1980s and 1990s
The internet was a major technological development in the 1990s
The internet was a major technological development in the 1990s