Maria Burton is the adopted daughter of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.
After giving birth to three children, Elizabeth Taylor was not able to have anymore children. Therefore, she and Richard Burton adopted a German girl, Maria. She was born in Germany in 1961. Maria has a deformed jaw when she was born, but it was fixed while she was still a baby. The adoption was completed in 1964.
Maria Burton is 5' 8".
Liza Todd and Maria Fisher Burton
Burton R. Clement has written: 'Susan Maria (Beaman) Walch, her ancestors and her descendants'
Maria Burton McKeown is the adopted daughter of Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. Born on January 8th, 1961 Maria has two children, Eliza Carson, 28 from her first marriage to Steven Carson which ended in 2000. She married Thomas Matthew McKeown, a Wall Street Executive from Brown Brothers Harriman, in January of 2001.
She was born in 1961 and adopted by Elizabeth and Richard in 1964, although I'm pretty sure she lived with them for awhile before the adoption was final. She was brought to live with Elizabeth right around the time she left Eddie Fischer for Richard Burton.
For the same reason that any child is adopted by loving parents: the child needed a home and the parents wanted a child.
Actually it was called the Kalizma- named after his and Elizabeth Taylor's three girls-Kate, Liza, and Maria.
Liza Todd and Maria Fisher Burton
Michael and Christopher were fathered by Michael Wilding Elizabeth Frances (Liza) was fathered by Michael Todd Maria was adopted by Elizabeth and Richard Burton
No, Tim Burton is not single.
Michaela Jean Burton and Ian Burton
Tim Burton's full birth name is Timothy William Burton.