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the best and well known hockey goal horn is the Chicago blackhawks. they are the very first team to use a goal horn back in 1986.

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Q: Who has the best goal horn in hockey?
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Related questions

Why do hockey teams have goal horns?

The hockey goal horn dates back into the 1980's. the Chicago Blackhawks of the NHL were the first hockey team to use a goal horn. today, almost every hockey team that exists use some sort of "horn". some are recorded "digital" horns and some are legit train horns, boat horns, and fog horns. they are commonly used after a hockey team scores a goal, following a song. Look up on you-tube NHL hockey horns, you will get great results

What is a score called in hockey?

its called a goal

How do goal horns work?

Goal horns are usually hooked up to a air compressor filled with nitrogen, or compressed air. then a person manually (or sometimes the horn goes off automatically) pushes a button and the horn sounds. but if the hockey team uses a recorded horn they just play it over the speakers in the arena. goal horns are usually located on top or on the side of the scoreboard (sometimes below).

Where is the best spot on the ice to shot and score a goal in hockey?

In the slot (with a quick shot)

If a hockey player shoots a goal towards the net and the game ends while the puck is still airborne will the referee still allow the goal and the game to proceed?

No. The game is over when the horn, buzzer, bell or whistle sounds.

What is the Nashville Predators goal horn?

Riverboat horn

Who is the goal keeper of Indian hockey team?

Adrian D'Souza is the goal keeper of Indian Hockey team.

Who was the goal keeper of Indian hockey team?

Adrian D'Souza is the goal keeper of Indian hockey team.

What is the goal of hockey?

to defend your goal and to score on the other teams goal

What is a goal made by a hockey goalie called?

A goal

What is an uncontested late game hockey goal called?

A goal

What are some hockey goal celebrations you could use?

Ovechkin style is always the most exciting way to celebrate a goal. But is it the best? You decide (Search him on youtube)