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Q: Which is the best example of a cycle A turn of a wheel or a slide down the ski slope?
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For example-the free wheel of a cycle, the axle of a motorcar.

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An example for a screw is a lightbulb,an example of a pulley is a flag,an example of a incline plane is a slide,the part of the stick from a shovel,wheel and axle is a well,wedge an axe.

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There is usually a locking wheel at the rear of slide.

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So the wheel is flexible but firm

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Remove the center cap, washers and C-clip and the wheel should slide off.

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The weels would slide The weels would slide The weels would slide

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Should be of the "peel off" type Remove wheel Remove Caliper mounting bolts Slide caliper off rotor Slide rotor off hub

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Slide off - after removing mounting bolts

How do you replace breaks?

Remove the wheel. Unbolt the caliper and slide it off. Replace the pads. Put the caliper on then remount the wheel.