Statistics from Sweden show that the snowboarders are about 10% of the people in the slopes and is slowly decresing. In the alps where most skiing in the world is done are the snowboarders much fewer than that typically around 2-3%.
i do both so i'm not favoring either one. At first snowboarding feels cool but after doing them for many years skiing becomes much more fun
Skiing is def. easier than snowboarding!
In the Alps were most of the skiing in the world is done are the snowboarders around 2-3% of all the people in the slopes so skiing is much more popular then snowboarding.
Skiing is more popular for the simple fact that its easier to learn. Snowboarding is gaining in popularity every year and some days there are more snowboarders on the slopes that skiers.
No, because their both free??!!!
Aperture is a known brand for snowboarding. but I think they also have products for skiing.
Snowboarding is harder to go off a jump then skiing, but if you plan to do a trick in the air then skiing is harder. This is because when snowboarding your weight distribution controls if you bail or not where as when skiing it is more forgiving.
Skiing is easy to learn and hard to master. It is easier to balance on. Snowboarding is hard to learn and easy to master. It is easier to do tricks on.
Coming from a snowboarder, Skiing is by far easier and warmer but snowboarding is way more fun.
snowboarding, skiing, horseback riding, and sledding; are just the major sports. There are however WAY more!
Extreme skiing is different from regular skiing in the particular length and steepness of the chosen mountains, with grades of at least one-hundred percent. More than anything, it follows the philosophy of pushing one's abilities in extreme conditions.
skiing, easier to pick up on