Luge hits about 93 max on the vancuver track, bobsled goers about 89 or so max.
une luge
bobsledding involves people and luge doesn't
Skeleton,bobsled and luge
Bobsled, Luge, and Skeleton
bobsled, luge, skeleton, Canoe/Kayak, Rowing, Horse Raceing
You are probably thinking of the luge. See link.
Cross Country Skiing, Biathlon, Speed Skating, Long Jump, Slalom Skiing, Bobsled, Luge, Downhill skiing
luging for men goes faster because they are heavier than women.
The sporting events that Italian Athletes are competing in for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics are Bobsled, Cross-Country, Figure Skating, Luge, Speed Skating, and Luge. As of today, Italy has one a silver metal in cross-country and two bronze medals in Luge and Nordic Combined.
bialathon, luge, cross country skiing, hockey, bobsled, nordic combind and a lot more.