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soft snow because it releases more water when heated

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Q: Which has more friction sledding in soft snow or sledding in hard snow?
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What are things that work better less friction?

Sledding on snow, ice skating, and sliding on a playground slide are activities that work better with less friction.

What is tobogganing?

Tobogganing is the pasttime of sledding down a snow covered hill more commonly called sledding

What is the force that makes sliding difficult?

Sliding is made difficult by friction because rough surfaces "grab" whatever is attempting to slide. Sledding is easy because snow eases friction.

Why is sledding considered exercise?

sledding is cosidered excersize. in the winter you can't run through the snow. sledding, trudging through the snow and throwing snowballs is a way to excersize.

How is the friction involved in sledding and skiing?

Friction is involved in sledding and skiing as it helps to slow down and control the speed of the sled or skis. The amount of friction can be adjusted by the type of surface being traversed, the angle of descent, and the materials used on the sled or skis. Friction also helps provide traction and stability, allowing the rider to steer and maneuver effectively.

Is it better to have more or less friction when a car tire gets stuck in mud or snow?

It is better to have less friction when a car tire gets stuck in mud or snow because less friction allows the tire to spin more easily and gain traction to get out of the obstacle. Increasing friction in these situations can worsen the situation by making the tire more likely to dig into the mud or snow.

What are fun things to do in snow... other than snowmen and sledding?

shoveling snow than make a snow angle!!!!!!!!!!

What are fun ways to use a snow sled?

go sledding

What are some snow activities?

Hiking, skiing, snowboarding, hiking, snow-ball fight, and sledding.

Would there be more friction between A snowboard gliding across snow or moving a box on carpet and why?

There would be more friction between the box moving on carpet. This is because the rough surface of the carpet creates more resistance and friction compared to the smoother surface of the snow. Snowboards are designed to glide easily on snow due to the reduced friction between the smooth base of the snowboard and the snow.

What comes to your mind when you see the word snow?

Cold, and Christmas, sledding!

How many inches of snow do you need to go sledding?

It depends on the type of snow and personal preference, but typically 2-4 inches of snow is enough for sledding. Snow that is too light or fluffy may make sledding difficult, while snow that is too deep can slow down the sled.