Apolo Kivebulaya was born in 1864.
Apolo Correia was born in 1901.
Apolo Kagwa was born in 1864.
Apolo Dantés was born on 1968-09-28.
Apolo Nsibambi was born on 1938-11-27.
Aloha: Lālā 'ano'ano [laylay ahno ahno]
Apolo Anton Ohno was born on May 22, 1982.
Apolo Anton Ohno was born to a japanese-born father and an american-caucasian mother.
Apolo Ohno was born on May 22, 1982, in Seattle, Washington, USA.
Apolo Anton Ohno was born on May 22, 1982.
Apolo Ohno was born May 22, 1982 in Federal Way, Washington.