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skiing is done at a ski hill or resort on snow, grass, ice, etc.

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15y ago
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10y ago

First of all, not to be a hater but skiing is not played, it is just simply done. And skiing happens in every single continent in the world. Even Africa offers some terrain.

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Q: Where is skiing is played?
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Skiing is played when?

Skiing isn't played. But you do it when it is winter and there is snow on a ski hill

How is alpine skiing is played?

alpine skiing is played when people ski down a very big and white snowy hill. and that is how it is played

In modern times where and when was skiing invented?

Skiing was invented and first played at Norway.

Which sports is played individually?

There are a couple of sports that are played individually. Their is Golf, Swimming, Tennis, and Skiing.

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You can play most of the common sports in Austria but Austria is famous for its soccer and of course for the sports played in winter. skiing, snowboarding, ski-jumping and so on.

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Is skiing played in the Yukon?

well, why not? If there's no alpine, there's always nordic! "Where there be snow, there be skiing". SKI FAST - HAVE A BLAST

What sports are not played in Malaysia?

Downhill skiing, snowmobiling, luge

What are five of the winter Olympic games played?

Alpine skiing, figure skating, ice hockey, bobsledding and cross country skiing.

What games were played at olympic games?

There was skiing, swiming, football, hockey, and etc.

What olympic games are played on cypress mountain?

Snowboarding and Freestyle skiing events.

Who are some famous people who played freestyle skiing in the Olympics?

cant remember their names...?!