Tessa Virtue was born on May 17, 1989.
Tessa Virtue was born on May 17, 1989.
Yes, Tessa Virtue had an injury in 2008.
tessa is dating scott
Tessa Virtue is 28 years old (birthdate: May 17, 1989).
Igor Shpilband and Marina Zoueva are Scott and Tessa Virtue's coaches.
ok, Tessa Virtue's b-day is May 17 and Scott Moir's b-day is Sep. 2. Right now, (its 2010) Scott's 22 and Tessa's 20. Tessa was born in 1989 and Scott was born in 1987. I'm a big Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir fan!
Yes, she is a Canadian.
No They are not
Tessa Keller was born on March 20, 1989, in Laguna Beach, California, USA.
ilderton Ontario