Marc saverd is married wife name ninki and 3 chrildern sam anthnoy nicky
Marc Savard was born on July 17, 1977.
Marc Savard was born on July 17, 1977.
No, he is not.
Marc Savard is number 91 on the Boston Bruins.
Marc Savard was born in Ottawa, Ontario on 07-17-77.
NHL player Marc Savard shoots left.
NHL player Marc Savard weighs 191 pounds.
Marc Savard is 39 years old (birthdate: July 17, 1977).
Patrick Maroon plays for the Anaheim Ducks.
Marc Savard with 42 assists
91 Marc savard
Marc Savard played the first few games for the Boston Bruins, I've heard that he is coming back to the 2011-2012 Season, And i agree so lets cross our fingers! Haha.