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Woahh that's a long question lols.

The best answer i cud give is to type it into Google . good luck lmao

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Q: Where are the alpines located how high are the alpines what type of animals live in the alpines what type of weather does the alpines have how cold does the temperature in the alpines get?
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What is the use of thermometer?

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Why do so many weather proverbs concern animals?

Weather proverbs concerning animals are based on observations of animal behavior in response to changing weather conditions over time. Animals have innate abilities to sense changes in temperature, humidity, and air pressure, making them reliable indicators of approaching weather patterns. These observations have been passed down through generations and have become embedded in folklore as a way to predict the weather.

What animals love hot weather?

Some animals that love hot weather include desert-dwelling species like snakes, lizards, and scorpions. They have adaptations that allow them to thrive in hot environments, such as efficient cooling mechanisms and behavior patterns that help them regulate their body temperature.

What are some biotic and abiotic factors in the ice caps?

abiotic biotic light animals weather plants sunlight temperature

Do crocodile's body temperature changes as per the change in temperature of air?

No, they are cold blooded animals and weather doesnt affect them. Unlike us, we are warm blooded. Hope this helps you(:

Where are located the deserts?

Deserts are located in areas that have pretty consistent weather. There are hot deserts and cold deserts because the temperature and climate are constant and almost unchanging.

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Does the body temperature depend upon the weather conditions?

Body temperature remains relatively constant regardless of external weather conditions. However, extreme cold or hot weather can affect how the body maintains its temperature through mechanisms like shivering or sweating to keep it within a normal range.

How can geologic features affect weather?

Where you are located, the weather will differ. Eg. it will NEVER snow in the desert. Mountains can cause chinooks. Large bodies of water lead to less fluctuations in temperature.

The tree's bark protects the tree from what?

The tree's bark protects it from physical damage (such as from animals or weather), pathogens, and pests. It also helps regulate the tree's temperature and minimize water loss.

Is temperature a weather?


Can your adaptations change based on the weather?

Yes, organisms can adapt to changes in weather through physiological, behavioral, or phenological adjustments. For example, animals may find ways to regulate their body temperature or change their activity patterns in response to temperature fluctuations. Plants may alter their growth and flowering timing in response to seasonal changes in temperature and rainfall.