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Howard Head was a US citizen, but the company was sold to an Austrian firm. Some skis are made there, a few from China.

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I believe they are made in Switzerland in the Fischer factory.

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Q: Where are head ski boots made?
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Who makes wide size cross country ski boots?

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What is the Definition of ski boots?

Ski boots are boots specially made for skiing. It is attachable to skis and bindings. It is made of special materials that will protect your feet from cold. It has a unique design that is design to be controlled easily in snow when attach to your bindings.

How wide are Head ski boots?

The HEAD AdaptEdge Ski Boot is quite unique. It allows you to change the width of your boot from 104mm to 102mm with one turn of a screw.

What are ski boots?

ski boots are shoes you wear when you go skiing

Do you have to wear ski boots to ski?


What purpose was ski boots originally designed for?

To use with skis. That's why they are called ski boots.

Where are lange ski boots made factory location?

At Montebelluna, near to Venezia, Italy

What were ski boots first made out of?

The whole "ski boot" thing isn't really definite, because original skis just had leather straps and you used your normal winter boots. The first boots specifically designed for skiing, however, I'm pretty sure were made of a flexible leather and laces.

What equipent are for skiing?

ski ski poles bindings boots

What ski boots are the easiest to put on?

All ski boots can be easy to put on. Simply make sure you buy the right size and the correct performance level for your skiing type. When you go to put the ski boots on just make sure to loosen the boots all the way every time. It can be harder to put on cold boots so keep your ski boots inside rather than out in the cold. Ski boots can be easy to put on, just take your time and work smarter not harder.

Does a ski shop need both ski boots to test bindings?

Yes. You have to be sure the boots themselves are in good condition.

Where could one purchase Lange ski boots?

There are many places where one could potentially purchase Lange ski boots. Lange ski boots can be easily bought for any local outdoor or footwear store.