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It is unknown exactly when Cross Country was invented. This is because man himself have been racing against each other sense the caveman era. It was deemed to be "manly" to be the faster man in the tribe. Over time, the races became more sophisticated and organized, to the point of where it is at today.

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Q: When was the first cross-country skiing races held?
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When was cross country skiing invented as a competitive sport?

It is not exactly clear when cross country skiing was invented as a competitive sport. It is accepted the first competitive races were held in Norway in 1879 and it has grown from there.

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In the US, they take place in every state. Cross counrty races include Enduros, Hare Scrambles, GNCC, WORCS and OMA races.

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In what year was the first sporting event held?

in 437 bc when the sky ran races 0.313

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