Michelle Yeoh was born on August 6, 1962.
Michelle Yeoh (born 6 August 1962) is fifty-two years old.
How do I contact michelle yeoh
Michelle Yeoh's birth name is Yeoh Chu-Kheng.
Michelle Yeoh was born on June 8, 1962. This would make her a Gemini (May 22 - June 21).
The duration of Among The Great Apes With Michelle Yeoh is 3000.0 seconds.
Among The Great Apes With Michelle Yeoh was created on 2009-12-09.
This question has two answers: 1. Jackie will win. 2. Michelle Yeoh will win. Have fun discussing why.
The Daily Show - 1996 Michelle Yeoh 10-154 was released on: USA: 6 December 2005
Benjamin Yeoh was born in 1978.
Francis Yeoh was born in 1954.