I think you meant to say what is a hockey "DEKE". A deke is a move used in hockey to fake out an opponent.
DEKE (short for decoy)
datsyuk deke. youtube it to see it.
Toys R Us
The hockey puck was invented so hockey players had something to shoot into the goal.
you shoot the puck in the net
Shoot Out
a shoot out is a over time when a game is tied and they go into overtime and no one scores.they each deke try to score indavisualy with no one but the goalie.each team does it 3 times and if still tied keep giong in till one team messes up and didnt score........................
when you say moves what exactly are you talking about. i assume you are talking about offensive maneuvers around a single defenseman. unlike most sports, hockey is unique in that there are no real set moves, or plays. the game flows thorugh a collection of systems and schemes, and the talent of the players transfers that into success. there is no such thing as a set play in ice hockey. offensive moves while on a breakaway are the only "moves" i can think of that might have a name. deke - moving the puck quickly from one side to the other, then back again in an attempt to make the goalie commit to one side of the net. toe drag - using the toe (tip) of the stick to pull the puck back into your stance. same idea as a deke but its more of a north / south move, compared to the east / west deke. besides those two i really cant think of any other moves that would have names. perhaps you could clairify your question a bit.
In your dreams.
try to shoot the puck in the net!