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Q: When did categorizing people by race begin?
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How are the concepts of race and ethnicity the same?

They are ways of categorizing people.

When did race become a factor in life?

Race has been a factor in human societies for centuries. The concept of race as we understand it today emerged during the European colonial period in the 15th century when European powers began categorizing people based on physical characteristics. However, the notion of race and its impacts on society have evolved and changed over time.

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Things people shout that begin with the letter G:gentlemen, start your engines (auto race),go,get out of here,goodbye,

When does amazing race 16 begin?

It will begin on February 14,2010.

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What is intraracial racism?

Race is a classification system of categorizing humans into distinct groups by an ethnic, genetic, geographical, religious, or social affiliation. Interracial refers to within members of the same race.

Why is categorizing a question considered as organization?

Because you are organizing the question by categorizing it, and not editing it.

What is the correct way to categorize the ethnic races?

It is important to recognize that race is a social construct and not a biological reality. Categorizing people into different races can perpetuate stereotypes and discrimination. It is more accurate and respectful to focus on individual differences rather than trying to fit people into rigid racial categories.

What year did the space race begin?


Where did the space race begin?

The Space Race began in the late 1950s between the United States and the Soviet Union. It was a competition to demonstrate technological superiority and achievements in space exploration. The launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik 1 in 1957 marked the beginning of this rivalry.