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Q: What year did the first canned tuna be packaged?
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Should unopened canned tuna be thrown away if past experation date?

No, as long as the can is undamaged it is safe for a year or longer.

How do you read embossed code on canned salmon?

Third letter in from the left in the first line is the year it was canned ie. 5581P = 2008 as 8 is the digit

How do you decode expiration dates?

You'll see a number stamped onto the cans or bottles, the first 5 numbers of that number tell you when the beer was packaged. The first 2 numbers are the year and the next 3 numbers are the day. The day is based off of a 365 day calender, so if the 3rd, 4th, and 5th numbers were 131, it would mean the beer was canned on the 131st day of that year, so probably sometime in May for example.

What seafood do Americans consume in a year?

In the United States, popular seafood consumed annually include shrimp, salmon, canned tuna, and crab. These seafood products are enjoyed both at home and in restaurants across the country.

How much tuna you purchased each year?

what type of question is this???? everyone buts a different amount of tuna!

How do you decode Yuengling's expiration date?

You'll see a number stamped onto the cans or bottles, the first 5 numbers of that number tell you when the beer was packaged. The first 2 numbers are the year and the next 3 numbers are the day. The day is based off of a 365 day calender, so if the 3rd, 4th, and 5th numbers were 131, it would mean the beer was canned on the 131st day of that year, so probably sometime in May for example.

Is canned food still good after the expiration date?

There is no magic date. It will depend on the quality of the food to begin with, the quality and type of container and the subsequent handling and storage thereof. Even canned, food will degrade and change color, texture and flavor. I have used some items that were a year past the coded date. They were edible, but I could tell the difference when compared to newer product. Many canned foods are coded with 2 and even 3 year shelf lives. But for best quality and nutrition, plan to use canned goods within a year. If you are trying to maintain a cache of canned foods, use product throughout the year and replace it with fresh stock. Use the FIFO method - First In First Out. Always use the oldest items first.

What year was white horse scotch whiskey packaged in a metal can?

`42 is the answer.

Can you use canned milk one year after the expiration date?

You can use canned milk for up to one year after the use by date printed on the can. However, it may not be at its optimal flavor, or appearance.

How many eggs can a tuna lay in one year?

One hindred

How many eggs can tuna lay in one year?

One hindred

When do tuna fish mate?

the yellowfin mates all year round....