Yes, simply refreeze the water. Leave a bottle of water outside on a freezing night, it will be solid ice in the morning. The same would happen if the bottle of water was put into a freezer.
The air in water bottle expands
Then the bottle contains a dilute juice . . . a mixture of juice and water.
They will die.
the volume of water increased when the water is froze
Not much will happen if you put a glass bottle containing teaspoonful of water in it in the sun with its lid closed. It might evaporate.
This is due to condensation. The cold surface of the bottle condenses the water vapor in the air (humidity) into liquid water.
The air will rise into the upper bottle in bubbles while the water splatters and drips down into the lower bottle. No vortex is formed.
You can either put it in a empty glue bottle or an empty water bottle. Just remember to label it with a sharpie.
It will die
But it in the other bottle. In general, you want to minimize exposure of liquor to air.
A full bottle, with a tight lid? Bad idea. Think about why icebergs float, then work out what will happen to the water in the bottle as it freezes (in fact, as it passes below about 4C).