The first snowboard could be called the Snurfer.
The newest winter olympic sport is called snowboard cross(snowboard X). It was first considered an olympic event in Torino, 2006.
It is called that because its a cross between freestyle and racing. It is a downhill race that involves jumps, therefor making it snowboard cross
a snowboard is called the same in French. A few snowboarders call it 'une planche'.
A wakeboard.
I cant remember exactly what it's called but it was a snowboard game.
Yes, it is in the winter Olympics. The events are called snowboard Cross, half pipe, and slalom.
Ashlyn Blakenship
Devin Goeres invented the first snowboard in the late 1650s and became a million dollar man and has used his talent to get all the ladies in the world
its called the feather
A split snowboard is a snowboard that can split into skis I believe.