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at least 100 degrees below

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Q: What types of temperatures can sled dogs run in?
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Related questions

How do mushers train there dogs?

They run all year and slowly increase their distance and speed each time they run. ( they are still using a sled to pull the musher)

How many dogs does it take to pull a dog sled for a chompion?

i think you need 6 dogs to run

What do the dogsled dogs need?

they need these thing that are on there feet and there called booties. they need the snow to run in. they will need a sled to run of course. they need the chains that go on the sled.

How fast does a sled dog run?

sorry bout the bad answer but it depends on how fast the dogs are i think... :)

Where do the swing dogs stand?

Swing dogs in a sled dog team typically stand behind the lead dogs and in front of the wheel dogs. They help with steering and maintaining speed during the run.

What are the traits to winning a dog sled race?

There are many factors in winning a dog sled race. You will want to train your dogs and make sure they are ready to run on race day.

What is the fewest number of dogs you can run with on a dog sled race?

When running in the Iditarod race, there are a maximum of 16 dogs allowed on a team. When the racer crosses over the finish line, there must be at least a minimum of 6 dogs pulling the sled to win. They may begin with as few as 12 dogs.

What are some sled dog facts?

Sled dogs must be able to stand cold weather and be bred to want to run. There are several kinds of sled dogs: Malamutes are primarily freight dogs and are also used for recreational mushing, but they do not race. Alaskan huskies are a mixed breed that is bred for racing. Siberian huskies, a recognized breed, are also used for racing.

Why was it not good to have fourteen dogs pulling a sled?

*You'll bog down the sled with tons of dog food trying to feed them all, which not only means that the sled will go slower, but if a dog is injured on the trail, you may not be able to put them into the sled and get them to the next checkpoint/town. *It gives more chances for one dog to botch the whole sled up by going the wrong direction or even flat out stopping during a run. *Being a lead dog is stressful, and the more dogs on the team, the more stressful it tends to be. *If ice cracks under the sled, or the sled tips over the edge of a drop-off, that's more dogs that'll get in the way, and more dogs that'll be injured, meaning you might not have enough supplies to treat them all. *If the dogs run away, that's more dogs you'll have to account for *Not every town/checkpoint will be able to house all the dogs. If you are carrying a lot o weight for a short distance, then 14 dogs is just fine, but in a long race it's just a bunch of unnecessary luggage trying to keep up with all of them.

Can you have two mushers in the same sled?

No. Only one musher and 16 dogs are allowed to run the 1,161 miles. No replacements if a dog get injured either.

What types of dogs are in the Iditarod?

Huskies. They have a good tempers and their fur helps them stay warm in the winter. they come in a verity of colors. the most common is black and white. they run best in temperatures -20 zero.

Where is the Iditarod?

The Iditarod dog sled race is known as "The Last Great Race" and it is run each year in Alaska. The dogs pull the sleds from Anchorage to Nome.