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Well, this depends on how tall you are and how big your feet are. When I was ten, I had a size 3 or 4 in children's sizes. I would recommend to go to a skate shop and ask for a person to measure your feet.

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Q: What size figure skates should you get if you're ten?
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How do you find out your size in figure skates?

Ge measured by someone who specializes in skates.

Are small skates better then big skates?

It depends on the size of the foot. You should wear skates that fit the foot for comfort and safety. Other than that, it makes no difference.

How do you determine your skate size for bladerunner fury aggressive skates?

In my experience these skates fit the same as standard shoe size. They are distributed by Rollerblade so should fit the same as that brand if you've ever had them. Refer to the related link below for a size chart If you like your skates to fit loose then go a size up,

How sharp should hockey skates be for a players weight?

5/8 is the most popular hollow for players skates. I wouldn't say weight really matters when it comes to what hollow you should get your skates sharpened at. I work in a skate shop and unless someone says tells us to do their skates at a certain hollow we do them at 5/8 regardless of their size.

What size is 248 in t blades for your hockey skates?

A 248 size t-Blade replacement runner should fit a boot size of 4.5 to 5.

Who wears size 87 skates?

Theres no such thing as size 87

Do they make wide skates for bigger feet?

Yes they do but you will have to talk to a skate specialist or order skates designed for your own size.

Where can you buy girls figure skates?

Well, you can buy then at the following places:- Wal-mart- Canadian Tires- Sport chekWell for high end skates you would want a specialty shop. So depending on where you live you'll need to look around. Online is also a good place if you know your size

What is the smallest hockey skate available?

the smallest hockey skates are size Jr. 1. ------------------------------ The smallest ice hockey skates available are youth size 6. The Bauer Vapor X1.0 and Bauer Supreme One20 are both available in that size.

How much does roller skates weigh?

depense on the size

How long are figure skating blades?

depending on brand and type, ski blades, or snow blades can range from the size of your foot to 3 feet approx.

Who wears the biggest ice hockey skates?

Zdeno Chara - size 12.